The SCS team is using its 40 years of fruit & vegetable experience and expertise to bring in the new generation of electrolyzed water processing. This technology creates safe, non-chemical sanitation solutions for the apple packing industry. Finally, a state of the art machine that ionizes water via automated electrolysis; the result being 100% Electrolyzed and Ionized Hypochlorous Concentrate…made on-site!
The Flow Technology Concentrate system produces a highly charged sanitizing solution which is safe to your product, your facilities, and your employees. The chlorine compound produced is 7,500 ppm for dump tanks, which is less than 1/10 the concentration of commercial bleach solutions. Yet, due to electrolysis, it is a safe and natural disinfectant which immediately becomes 98.9% Hypochlorous sanitizer as it is added to tank water for flume and spray bar applications. With a pH of 6.0, your working solution will have an effective ORP with chlorine ppm levels adjusted to meet your Food Safety and HACCP plans and procedures. This sanitizer solution has three effective antimicrobial properties.
Our product line has been scientifically developed to provide responsible, safe and natural science to remove chemical impacts to our food supply, our precious soil and water resources, and our customers’ working and living areas. Our products are proven to reduce the risk of historic and continued health and environment problems created by unresponsible development, manufacturing and use of conventional chemical products and treatments.
SCS distributes Flume Filtration Systems for the Food and Agricultural industries. The system’s heart is the proprietary rolled filter media providing a highly efficient and reliable means of removing solids from apple line processing water.
It features a non-pressurized design that is economical and easy to operate. The Flume Filtration System is fully automated, ensuring efficient cleaning of the real-time flume water, continually cleaning all packing line wastewater, and minimizing the amount of media used.
Our filters offer automatic operation utilizing low-cost rolls of non-woven synthetic filter fabric media, are well suited for reducing apple line processing particulate water levels. A roll of media filter fabric is loaded and fed into the rear of the machine and held in place between the sealing wheels and the porous stainless steel conveyor belt. The liquid to be filtered is pumped or fed into the inlet port and is distributed into the flood box, slows the dirty water’s velocity, and spreads it over the entire width of the filter media fabric, forming a trough between two sealing wheels. Water laden with particulates gravity feeds through the filter media fabric removing particles from the water down to 5-micron size, leaving a solid “cake” of particulates on the surface of the filter media fabric. This process eventually causes the water level to rise in the filtering hamber, automatically keys the media fabric to index forward and maintain the proper water level. Clean filtered water collects in the tank and is returned to service by pump or gravity.
The “spent” media laden with a “cake” of particulates is discharged to a waste container.